Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

24 25 Hawthorn Wb 7th October

It's been another busy week in Hawthorn class and we're really proud of how hard the children have been working.
In English, we've continued our work on 'Florence Nightingale - Little People, Big Dreams'. Year 1s have practised writing accurate sentences while Year 2s have found out that adjectives describe nouns and been using them in sentences about Florence.
In maths, Year 1s have started their unit of work on addition and subtraction within 10, using part whole models for addition and beginning to use number sentences. Year 2s have come to the end of place value, with lots of counting on and back in 5s, 10s and 3s. They've begun work on addition and subtraction by revisiting number bonds to 10.
In topic, we investigated Florence Nightingale's greatest achievements, while in Computing, the children used to create pictures whilst also practising their clicking and dragging skills.
In science, we continued working on materials.  Firstly the children played a game using the properties to find out which material was hidden from them. After this, the children listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs and they then had to design and build a shelter for the pigs using either bricks (Lego or wood), sticks (lolly sticks), paper straws and paper and card.  After this Mrs Emond (Big Bad Wolf) tried to blow the shelters down and then we discussed the best materials for a shelter and why.  Take a look at the photos to see great teamwork, designing and investigation!