At Ashton under Hill First School, our aim for writing it that children envisage themselves as real confident writers, write for a purpose, take ownership of their writing and enjoy sharing it with others. English and the teaching of English is the foundation of our curriculum. Writing is embedded within all our lessons and we will strive for children to be confident writers by the time they leave the school. All classes have access to high-quality texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and ensuring curriculum expectations and the progression of skills are met. Teachers will seek to take advantage of opportunities to make valid cross-curricular links so that writing genres taught are meaningful and have a purpose. Where appropriate, planning provides links with the topic they are teaching. They will also plan for pupils to practise and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired through writing lessons to other areas of the curriculum.
All classes use No Nonsense Literacy planning sequences to provide vocabulary rich opportunities for the children to write for a purpose and develop a love of language. Grammatical skills are taught and woven through the writing units to ensure that the children understand the purpose behind the skills being taught. The lesson sequences have provided our teachers and children with a wealth of approaches to engage with the text, from drama, one-line poetry, character description to design activities which keep the pace of learning high.
Spelling is taught through the use of high quality phonics teaching and No Nonsense spelling in Years 2- 5. The children are assessed every term and interventions are put in place for children not applying the spellings taught within each phase. Handwriting is taught using the letter join scheme.
The main intended impact of our delivery of Writing is that all pupils enjoy writing across a range of genres, can write for a range of purposes and audiences, and become confident and effective communicators. They will used a rich and varied vocabulary that they can use across the curriculum and can apply spelling rules and grammatical concepts in their work.
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