Welcome from our Governors
On behalf of the governing body of Ashton under Hill First School, thank you for visiting our website. We hope it conveys to you the welcoming and vibrant spirit of the school. Our location, optimal size and core values and ethos all contribute to make Ashton a unique educational offering.
Our caring environment is built on respect, teamwork and partnership with parents and the community. We aim high and celebrate achievements. The school seeks to offer the best education for pupils, so that the children can master the core curriculum, become successful learners and have a love of learning and a range of interests and personal qualities to take them on through life.
Our exceptional staff are the strength of the school and are key to the delivery of the high standards and creativity we aspire to. We embrace new ideas and ways to improve and this is formalised within an annual Learning Improvement Plan. Governors are active members of the school community and are regularly in school to speak with staff and pupils as part of formal monitoring visits or indeed to participate and enjoy the many extra-curricular activities and events.
Our governing body is there to uphold the strategic direction of the school, to be a critical friend to the Head Teacher by monitoring the school performance and financial value for money and to ensure the school is statutory compliant. We hold a formal full governing body meeting at least once a term, however much work is done in smaller sub-committees. Our committee structure and a list of individual governor roles and responsibilities are below.
Please feel free to contact us via the school office, if you have any questions about school governance or are interested in becoming a governor. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with the school at the earliest opportunity. The school welcomes constructive feedback at any time and seeks views on a regular basis; in which we would encourage you to participate.
We operate two main committees; Curriculum and Finance and Premises
Members: Karen Miller (Chair), Alison Peacey, Alan Chattell and Isla Gardiner
Finance and Premises:
Members: Geoff Mills (Chair), Charles Archer, Alison Peacey, Nick Fenton and Rob Jackson
Link Roles
We operate a system of Link roles as detailed here:
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Governor - Alan Chattell
Safeguarding, E-safety, Prevent and Attendance - Alan Chattell
Sports Premium and Pupil Premium - Rob Jackson
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development & British Values - Isla Gardiner
Governing Body
See who is on our Full Governing Body
Alison PeaceyHead Teacher
Alison Peacey
Alan Chattell - Vice ChairParent Governor
Alan Chattell - Vice Chair
Geoff Mills - ChairChair of Finance Committee (Co-opted Governor)
Geoff Mills - Chair
Chair of the Finance Committee
Isla GardinerParent Governor
Isla Gardiner
Robert JacksonCo-opted Governor
Robert Jackson
Charles ArcherCo-opted Governor
Charles Archer
Juliet ShielsCo-opted Governor
Juliet Shiels
Karen MillerStaff Governor
Karen Miller
Nick FentonCo-opted Governor
Nick Fenton
Emma RobertsonParent Governor
Emma Robertson
Academic Year 2024/2025
- AUH FPC Terms of Reference Oct 24
- Governor Terms of office Sept 24 AUH
- AUH FGB Code of Conduct Sept 24
- Register of Interests sept 24
Academic Year 2023/2024
Academic Year 2022/2023
Academic Year 2021/2022
Academic Year 2020/2021
- Meeting attendance 2020 21
- Governor Report to Parents 2020 2021
- Governor Update Dec 2020
- Governor Update March 2021
- Meeting attendance 2019 20
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