Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

24 25 Hawthorn Wb 09 September

This week the children have really started to settle into our Hawthorn class routines and continued to work hard.
In English, they've created a story map for our class book, 'Meerkat Mail', using pictures and words to describe the main aspects of the text. They then went on to practise writing simple sentences, remembering to form letters correctly and use finger spaces plus capital letters and full stops to make them grammatically accurate.
In maths, Year 1s have continued to explore numbers to 10, both inside and outside the classroom. Year 2s learnt how to use a place value chart and continued their work on numbers to 100.
We started RE on Monday and are exploring the question, 'What does it mean to belong to a faith community?' The Holly Year 1s always come to join us for RE which we really enjoy.
In topic, the children watched a short film about the life and achievements of Florence Nightingale then made timelines depicting the key events. On Tuesday, they created beautiful portraits of Florence in the style of the famous artist Paul Klee. When we've put them all up on our display board, we'll share the results with you next week.
In Science, we continued with our work on materials and the children had to sort materials by what they thought they were made from and then took part in a materials hunt in the classroom.
Finally, we in PE we had great fun playing an attack and defend game.  The children took turns in each role and played really well as a team.  Well done all!