Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 25.11.24

This week we have explored who Alfred the Great was and why he was the only English King to be named 'Great'. We presented our findings as a mind map and considered what qualities he had in order to become a successful king even though he was doubted at first. We also began sewing our Viking coin pouches as part of our Design Technology work. The children will also be creating coins to go inside these which we are really looking forward to. 

On Monday Sarah from SCARF came in to talk to Willow Class to teach the children about the brain. We learned that the brain is connected by nerves and our nervous system helps to create connections around the body. The children discussed what the body needs to help it function properly and they learned about different ways they could keep our brain and body healthy. Sarah discussed why it is important to stay calm in moments of stress and gave the children strategies to resolve stressful situations. The children really enjoyed this session and listened well.

In English lessons this week, the children have been learning how to use speech punctuation to show when characters are talking. We explored various synonyms for the word said and how these can be used to show emotion and manner. The class used the text ‘Paddington goes to Town’ to practise writing dialogue and to accurately use inverted commas to show when a character is speaking. In maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and division and how inverse can be used to help us with calculations. We have been practising our recall of the 4, 8 and 7 times tables this week. Please remember to practise these at home to help us build our fluency!