Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 09.09.24

The children have worked very hard this week and we have been working on listening skills in lessons. As part of our English work, the children have explored coordinating conjunctions to help them write complex and compound sentences. We used words from the text to help build our vocabulary to vary our sentences. The children will be writing their own setting description next week using the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. They will then  plan their own mythical quest where they will think of a problem that will need a resolution! We have started a brand new spelling scheme this year and the children have been busy practising these spelling patterns in school and hopefully at home too! 

 In Maths this week, the children have continued to work on place value. We have explored the value of digits and partitioned 3 and 4 digit numbers to help us solve problems. Place value is very important as it will help us with calculations and problem solving later on in the year. 

In Science lessons, we have started our new topic on ‘Livings things and their Habitats’ We learned about Mrs Gren and how this useful acronym can help use remember the 7 life processes. We learned that these are very important in order for all living things to survive and thrive. Next week we will learn all about animal classification and how we group animals according to the characteristics and the environment they live in.

In Topic, we have started creating paper chain timelines to represent key events leading up to the time of the Vikings. The year 4 children have made links with their knowledge of the Stone Age from their previous topic and we have looked carefully at how we order these events in chronological order. We have also continued to recreate some Viking patterns in Art, discussing the different styles and shapes used in their designs.