Willow - w/c 17 January 2022
Willow Class have worked hard this week and enjoyed their lessons.
In Art the children learnt about cubism and created their own pictures using paint. They looked in detail at the work of Guatemalan artist Carlos Merida and were amazed by his super skills.
In Science the children learnt about the parts of the eye and that light travels in a straight line. The children found this mind blowing and some great conversations were had between them all.
In English the children created their own descriptions of an aerial circus artist selecting powerful verbs from the text and adverbs. The children performed a poem based on the story "Leon and the place between", focussing on figurative language.
Our Maths lessons involved finding remainders when dividing. The children used ‘hands on’ resources such as lolly sticks and multilink to physically work out when there will be remainders. The children really enjoyed this hands on approach and enjoyed designing their own problems for their peers to solve.
Once again we battled the cold temperatures and played mini games of hockey outside. The children were each other’s critics this week and gave each other constructive criticism as to whether they were holding their hockey sticks correctly and how to improve their grip and stance.
The children really enjoyed designing their own Aztec Calendars for our Maya topic and we were thrilled to see how much detail had gone into the design of the calendars. It is certainly proving to be an extremely interesting historical civilization to study.
Until next week…have a lovely weekend!
Willow Class