Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow - WB 05.12.2022

This week as part of our Science topic all about sound, the children learnt that sounds are made when vibrations are created. We pretended to be particles of a solid, liquid or gas to learn about how the particles move and vibrate. We found out that these particles vibrate and pass on vibrations to the different parts of our ear, where a signal is sent to the brain. We learned that if objects didn't vibrate, we would not hear sounds.

On Wednesday, the children planned and carried out an experiment to learn more about the pinnae inside the ear. We learned we have a pinnae in our ears to help 'catch' sound waves and direct them to our ear canal. If people have a bigger, pinnae, then they will be able to catch more sound waves and direct them to their ear canals. We planned an investigation to see if bigger pinnae mean we hear sounds louder. We used paper/card to make our pinnae bigger and see if it makes different sounds louder than our normal ears. We recorded what we found out. 

As part of our music lessons, the children have been learning about notation and the notes D, E and F on a stave. We combined all the notes we have learned over the half term to play a short piece of music. We have learned how to write the notes D E and F on a stave and play them with tuned instruments, using a 4/4 time signature. This is called a semibreve. We have also been learning about pitch and volume in science lessons. 

We are now coming to the end of our Topic all about the Ancient Egyptians and to complete this, we learnt why the River Nile was known as 'The Gift' to the people living in this time. We unwrapped a gift containing some clues as to  why the River was so important and it was fantastic to hear such a variety of ideas. We then went on to produce an Egyptian quiz which combined all our our new knowledge and the key words for the Topic. The children did an amazing job and recalled many key facts. 

We have also written a diary entry based on a video about an inventor who created a robot. The children had to reflect on the character's feelings in the build up to switching on the power of the robot and how this changed dramatically when she realised that it did not work! In our diary entries, we wrote about key moments that made her feel different emotions and worked hard to include lots of different conjunctions and fronted adverbials too. 

On Friday we enjoyed our whole school Christmas lunch and joined in with  all  the festivities.