Willow - W/C 7th February
This week has been Mental Health Week. During our Whole Class Reading lessons we read books that promote the use of emotional literacy. We spoke about how the characters feel and how they show their emotions through their actions. We looked at the front covers of the stories 'Ravi's Roar' and 'Charlie changes into a Chicken' and discussed any links and made predictions.
On Monday the children thought of 5 things they like to do to make them feel good. They can refer back to these posters when they need to.
On Thursday afternoon we did some painting with sound. We listened to Chopin's Nocturne to give us the inspiration to create a painting of what we heard. look in the gallery to see the results.
On Friday the Year 4 children went on a wellbeing walk to the meadow. Year 3 children have had a great trip to Malvern, look out for some photographs next week!