Willow 09.12.24
This week as part of our Science work, the children have been learning about magnets and how they are part of everyday life. We learned that magnets have two opposite poles that can attract and repel each other. We investigated different objects to find out if they are magnetic and we learned that not all metals are magnetic. I challenged the children to find how magnets are used at home and to think about if any of their toys work using magnets. Next week we will design our own educational toys for young children using magnets.
We have now completed our Viking topic and the children have been reflecting on our key question: Were the Vikings raiders or traders? We sorted a selection of statements into a venn diagram to help us decide and there was some great debate going on when reaching our final conclusions. We have really enjoyed learning about different aspects of Viking life and how we still see evidence of this today. Over the next week we will be completing our Viking coin pouches as part of our Design Technology work but we have been impressed with how well the children have shown attention to detail with their sewing skills and when making their own coins.
Throughout the school, it has been assessment week and the children have been busy applying all the skills and knowledge they have acquired over the term. We have seen some great examples of children applying their written methods in Maths as well as their VIPERS skills in our Reading sessions. Well done! We look forward to all the Christmas activities next week.