Oak - Week Beginning 7th November 2022
It has been an extremely busy fun filled week in Oak this week with lots to report.
On Monday morning the children arrived carrying their home-made Egyptian artefacts and completely blew me away with high quality detail each of them included. They are simply fabulous and look so realistic. They have used some very skilful techniques to create the artefacts and used some ingenious materials to recreate them. Next week we will add them to those made by Willow class to create a museum. We will be letting parents know when they can come into school to see all our Egyptian treasure, keep an eye on the texts next week.
The children had such fun painting and putting the finishing touches onto their Tutankhamun death masks that they have been creating in art. They loved using the special gold paint, that looked like real gold apparently, and especially enjoyed adding the eye make-up to bring the eyes to life. They are now displayed in our classroom, and some will be added to our special display in the corridor.
On Wednesday the Year 5 joined the Year 4's and other children in local schools at a cross country competition. They enjoyed their day out, and came back with many medals. Both the Year 5 teams won overall and the top 4 fastest runners got another medal and a trophy. Click here for a news report from Mrs Thornton.
In RE we have been learning the story behind the Hindu festive of Diwali. The children learnt all about the different ways that Hindus celebrate this festival and the traditions associated with it. We looked at the story of Rama and Sita and learnt how they overcame the evil ten headed, 20 armed king with help from the monkey king and his army. They really enjoyed the story and had a good time retelling it through words and drama.
We have been outside in the garden weeding and planting some bulbs given to us by the Eco group. We made sure that the raised bed was clear of weeds, leaves and sticks and then planned out where the different varieties of bulbs would go to create the best effect. The children decided upon tulips around the border, and then daffodils surrounded by crocus bulbs in a Rangoli style pattern (we learnt about in RE) in the middle.
On top of all these exciting learning opportunities we have also been developing our skills to write information texts in English and learn all about multiples, factors and prime numbers in maths - having fun in these lessons too of course!
Friday was an extremely important day as Oak Class delivered the Remembrance assembly. Please click here to see the separate news blog to find out more about this very special assembly.