This week in Holly Class...
Another week has flown by in Holly Class and, as always, it has been an exciting one with a moving up morning on Wednesday and Sports Day practise on Thursday. The year 1 children went with Hawthorn Class on a visit to the Church on Tuesday afternoon, take a look at their blog for some lovely photos.
In our maths lessons this week the Year 1 children have done some brilliant work with numbers up to 100. They have learnt how to partition them into tens and ones, compare them, order them and find 1 more and 1 less. We have also tackled some brain-stretching open ended challenges to really test their understanding! The Reception children have been concentrating on their mental maths through lots of different games and learning opportunities around the classroom. They have been learning how to recall important facts such as doubles and number bonds as well as continuing to work on counting past 20.
In our literacy lessons we have learnt about how to write instructions this week. We continue to re-read and enjoy the story Bog Baby and thought that other people might also like to catch one of their own. All of the children made lists of the equipment you might need such as a net, a jam jar and some waterproof trousers and then write a set of instructions for what to do. There was lots of important information included, such as where to leave your strawberries and pasta to tempt the Bog Baby out and how to make him a comfortable home when you get back!
In our science lessons this week we have been learning about plants. We looked closely at some lavender and sweet peas from our school garden and learnt the names of the different parts and then linked this to some artwork. The children used the watercolour paints to create some beautiful pictures, they had to mix the colours themselves and paint really carefully to include all the important details. Our classroom smelt lovely after an afternoon with such lovely flowers all around! Enjoy these pictures of our creations...