Oak Week Beginning 7th October
Our Viking world has crossed over into our writing, topic and guided reading again this week as we continue to develop our writing and historical skills. We learnt all about why King Alfred was known as Alfred the Great and the impact trading and travelling had on life for Viking settlers in Danelaw. In both our writing and topic lessons we are producing non-chronological reports on boats and trade respectively. This is helping to further our knowledge of the structure of this type of text and deepening our understanding of how primary evidence informs us about the past. In order to carry out our research, we have been learning to summarise and make brief notes.
The children have really impressed us with their enthusiasm and skills when swimming. They have been great ambassadors for our school on their first few visits, and have been working very hard to improve their skills. We will have a very strong team for the swimming gala when it comes around again!
I had a very colourful class on Thursday when they came dressed in yellow to support World Mental Health Day. We used our PSHE lesson to focus on how we can improve our wellbeing to keep us feeling, grateful, resilient and inspired.
In art, we got the watercolour paints out to add some colour to the sketches we have been creating over the past few weeks. The children have been looking at Viking patterns in the objects they crafted and have been drawing a variety of knots and then adding animals ; snakes, horses and dragons are the main animals that featured.