Oak Week Beginning 21st October 2024
We have had lots of fun this week learning our spellings in a creative way. After the spelling quiz, we focussed on the spelling patterns we still need to learn and used more creative ways to remember them. This involved painting the words on big pieces of paper, using flour and sand trays, and even buttons, wool and chalk boards. It was a pleasant change from our normal methods and hopefully memorable.
In Science this week the children were sorting objects into different groups to understand how classification works. We have been continuing to learn the poem Matilda too and have acted out a play based on the poem to help our understanding of the story within it. They had great fun acting out the different roles and showing us their more dramatic sides. In maths, we have finished our module on addition and subtraction our next topic will be multiplication and division.
On Wednesday some Year 5's attended a Bredon Moles football tournament at Evesham United. The children had a great time and showed brilliant team spirit and resilience in all their games. They were a credit to the school, and they came away very pleased with themselves even thought they did not get through the final. Also on a sporty theme, some children have started their life saving badge in swimming lessons and went in the pool in their clothes this week using plastic bottle floats. Lots admitted it was harder than it looked!
The Oak team hope you all have a lovely autumn break and we look forward to seeing you after the break at Parent's Evening. Please ensure you have booked a slot.