Oak Week Beginning 18th September 2023
Week 3 has brought lots of learning and fun activities to Oak Class which culminated with a special Harvest Assembly.
Last week, we rounded off our poetry studies by writing a final poem all about ourselves entitled; The Best Part of Me. The children wrote some stunning words about themselves and were very thoughtful and reflective in the vocabulary choices. There is a display of their brilliant work on the wall in the classroom and some pictures in the gallery. In English this week we have started our next unit of work based around traditional tales. I shared the book The Princess' Blankets by Carol Ann Duffy with the class and this story will be the focus for our writing and understanding of how to create a traditional narrative of their own. So far we have drawn story maps of the plot and acted out different sections of the story, freeze framing the crucial bits, so we can show we know it really well.
In Maths we have been continuing to use numbers up to 10,000 in Year 4 and 1,000,000 in Year 5. We have been reading them from place value charts, partitioning them and adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 from them. For our learning outside the classroom this week, we created our own number lines and added various numbers onto them. These number lines were divided into different numbers of sections and they had to label the intervals accordingly. This required lots of skills to be brought together to make the lines as accurate as they could make them.
In other subjects, we designed a meal on a paper plate using Playdoh and paper to create food items which matched the needs of eight different dietry requirements. Some needed a high protein or carbohydrate diet and others had food intolerances or made life choices to become vegan. They had great fun researching ideas on the new iPads and being creative. In topic we wrote a 'day in the life diary' as if we were living in the paleolithic times. The children put together all the knowledge they have gained so far about the daily lives of a child at this point in history and they described some of the every day jobs they would have carried out. They compared these to their own and found they were incredibly different!
The children did a great job in the Harvest assembly and we were very proud of them standing up in front of a large audience.