Oak Week Beginning 18th November 2024
Our usual timetable has been restored this week after all the excitement of last week, with the exception of a dusting of snow and packing up Christmas Shoeboxes.
In English writing lessons we have been revising two areas of grammar: how to use inverted commas and using semi colons. We have also been learning how authors build suspense by using short sentences and rhetorical questions. All of this work will help us to plan and develop our writing skills for when we create a mystery and suspense short story. The children are very keen to get going on their stories as this is a very popular and enjoyable story genre to write. In Guided Reading we have been looking at the very beautiful picture book written by Michael Morpurgo and illustrated by Christian Birmingham called Silver Swan. It is such a wonderful story a great example of the many animal themed stories he writes.
Our times tables knowledge has been very useful this week as Year 5's have been focussing in on factors and multiples of numbers and using these to find common factors and multiples between some numbers. We have also revised square numbers and been introduced to cubed numbers. The Year 4's have been using the multiples of 3,6,7 and 9 this week learning some tricks to help them identify multiples of these numbers and spotting links between them. These lessons have proved how vital quick recall of times tables are and have helped us to consolidate these number facts.
On Tuesday Mrs Stephenson turned Oak Class in to a temporary grotto with the purpose of packing all the shoe boxes that will be taken by her to Romania later this month. Last week the children did all the sorting so now was the time to pack! All the children in school have now packed a shoe box and are ready for their journey to an excited child. Oak Class were brilliant and really showed how reliable and responsible they can be as they helped all the children across all the classes pack their box with a variety of different goodies. They were vital to the smooth organisation of Tuesday afternoon and really showed their best qualities, Mrs Stephenson would not have managed without them and was gushing with praise for them. A very proud time for Oak Class.
Our 'big art' project was also completed this week, the children have really enjoyed this task and are very proud of the final results. They worked productively in their groups to pool their skills and collaborate to make some very colourful results. They will be on display in the hall for you to look at all through next week.