Oak Week 11
We have had a fun packed week in Oak as promised!
Our first whole school trip in a long time this week took us to Cineworld in Cheltenham to see Shaun the Sheep the Movie - Farmageddon courtesy of Intofilms Film Festival free tickets! It was a fantastic experience to be out and about again and it gave all the children (and staff) a much needed boost of happiness in what has been a challenging week. It was lovely to see the children altogether (almost!) sharing a collective fun experience and their giggles and laughs were a delight to hear. A great day to remember.
To follow on from our cinematic experience, Oak children learnt how to be animators on Wednesday for No Pen Day. We did a lot of speaking and listening activities to come up with ideas, storyboards and plots to make our own mini animations. The children created characters and a set on which they would use stop frame animation techniques to create their masterpieces. With a wide range of digital technology that parents kindly let them bring into school, the children used the Stop Motion Studio App to tell their stories through animation. It was one of the best days I have experienced in a long time, watching the children be completely absorbed in their learning and their faces lighting up as they were independently learning new skills. The results were also FANTASTIC!! I hope you can see the results of their work in the link below. I was immensely proud of their achievements during this activity I definitely think they will go on to produce more animations in their spare time. Watch out Aardman Animaters - Oak Class have the animation bug!
Theo and Maisie Phoebe and NoahJosh and Georgia Monty and Charlie Emily and Bethany Vivi and Esme Emeilia and Penny Honey and Leo Savannah and Charlotte
Also in PE this week we played some team building games and in music we have been learning some Viking Saga Songs, getting our vocal chords all ready for our performance next term!
Oak Week 11