Oak Class Week 3
The play rehearsals have been in full flow this week, and the children have been showing off their acting skills to great effect. They are continuing to impress us with their dedication to line learning and have also started to learn the words to the songs. Next week we will be sending out a letter about costumes and props so please check bags for these! We want to give you plenty of time to get organised ahead of the dress rehearsals and in case you need some help to source suitable items.
In Maths, the Year 4's have been learning formal written methods of division and putting their times tables knowledge to good use. Next week they will build on this understanding to use remainders. The Year 5's have been showing bucket loads of resilience and determination whilst learning to master long multiplication. They have been trying really hard to understand and use the steps they need to take to reach the correct answers. Great progress has also been seen in their fluency skills, addition and subtraction of decimals and rounding. Very impressive work from Oak this week.
We are moving on in English, to looking at non fiction text after our unit on narratives. If you have any non fiction books at home, dig them out to encourage your child to read them to build on their knowledge of this text style.
Our new Science topic on rocks was started this week. We have been discovering the origins of rocks and learning about the 3 main types; igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. We looked at a range of rock samples and worked out which rock was which based on their appearance. The children's first hand experience and fascination with pebbles, rocks and fossils are really helping to spark a keen interest in this area of learning. Also the limestone of Bredon Hill and the iconic honey coloured Cotswold stone in our local area, help to bring this to life.
It is this weekend that Esme is having her hair cut off for the Little Princess Trust children's cancer charity. We wish her well and can't wait to see her new look on Monday morning. Check out the link at the bottom of the page if you would like to donate towards her total. Another of our Year 5 girls received a very impressive accolade this week. Ava was awarded a Brownie, 'Girls in Action' award for taking action in an emergency situation and putting into practice the first aid she has learned. It was presented to her by the Division Commissioner. A very proud moment!!
Next week is our last week of swimming, the gala trials will be swum and the remaining assessments will take place to finalise the achievements gained during the past 10 weeks.
I hope the South and Central America projects are progressing well. Only three weeks left to go before handing in. I can't wait to see them!