Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class - exploring our village

Another week has whizzed by in Holly Class and this week we have spent lots of time exploring and talking about our village. Our yellow-footed alien visitor, Beegu, is still here and wanted us to tell her all about where she had landed. So, after our walk around the village on Monday with Hawthorn Class we set to work creating and building a 'junk-model' Ashton Under Hill! Reception children enjoyed getting stuck into the model making and Year 1 were challenged to describe the features in the village using geographical vocabulary and use their map-making skills to set things out correctly. 

On our walk we had worked together to gather various bits and bobs that would help us to remember when we had been, in our literacy lesson we created a big map using these things to recount the journey we had been on. We all enjoyed 'telling the story' of our journey and made up some actions to help us remember the words and Year 1 wrote out the recount in their English books. They all did a fabulous piece of writing and I was very proud of what they achieved. In phonics lessons this week Reception children have been learning to read and write some new sounds and they are now starting to spot them everywhere in our classroom! 

We have been so busy in our Maths lessons this week, as you will see in the photographs. Year 1 have been number detectives by filling in missing number tracks and spotting where numbers have been missed out. We have also worked hard on both reading and writing numbers correctly. Reception children have been counting things accurately and went on a number hunt outside to collect different numbers numbers of various things. 

We are really enjoying learning a song about 'singing vegetables' for the Harvest assembly and can't wait to share it with you next week!