Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class - Not a Stick!

Welcome back Holly Class! I can't quite believe this is our final term of this school year. The time is flying by! It was lovely to spend time on Tuesday hearing all about your adventures over the week off and bank holiday weekend. You all speak so confidently now, giving lots of information and asking and answering questions. 

We have been really lucky this week as Miss Sheehan and Mr Arkell have been teaching some of the phonics lessons. The reception children have been reading and spelling some new tricky words and Year 1 have been learning about adding the suffixes '-ing and -ed to words. All of the year 1 children have also done some work with me reading real words and alien words and I am so proud of how they approached the task, adding sound buttons and using their robot arms to read. 

In maths this week, Year 1 have been finding halves and quarters of both shapes and quantities whilst the Reception children have been working on their number bonds through lots of games and learning opportunities all around our classroom. 

Much of our learning this week has been led by a story called 'Not a Stick'. We have loved reading this and using our imagination to turn the stick in the book into all sorts of wonderful things. Is it a paintbrush? A weight? A sword? Maybe even a horse? We have made our own sticks into different things and written new pages for the book. We have also looked at and compared different logs and sticks, tried building different things with them and even made lolly pop stick people to tell stories with! 

We have finished our week with a trip to the Oak Class pop up market. We loved visiting their stalls and carefully choosing what we would like to buy. We tried to use our very best manners with lots of pleases and thank yous and loved the treats on offer. What a delicious way to finish a Friday!