Hawthorn wb 5th September
What a wonderful start to the new school year we've had in Hawthorn Class. The children came back to school refreshed, ready to learn and enthusiastic. We've also welcomed some new children into our Ashton family and they've all settled in incredibly well. Well done to all our Hawthorn learners!
We started off with some activities to help the children find out about their new class and settle in, including a classroom treasure hunt and 'Marvellous Me' - an opportunity to share information about themselves which will be compiled in a special class book. We've also created our own set of class rules which all the children have signed up to, as you can see in the photo.
We've begun our first English topic, using Nursery Rhymes and poems as our inspiration.
In maths, Year 1s have been reinforcing their knowledge of numbers to ten while Year2s have focused on numbers to one hundred. They've participated in a range of fun learning activities and created some super 'table displays' representing their numbers in different ways.
We've also made a start on our new topic which is called 'Real Life Superheroes'. This year we've decided to focus on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children played History Detective to find out about Florence's life and then sequenced some pictures depicting her life story.
In Science, we have started to look at Living Things and the children had to think about what makes something "living" and then they went on a hunt to find things that were living, dead or never alive. Luckily, the rain held off while we ran around finding insects, leaves and seeds!