Hawthorn wb 4th July
Well, we have been busy this week!
In English we have started to look at poetry. The children have been looking at different poems and thinking about what they liked about them. We then moved on to rhyming and we have been making our own rhyming couplets. We have had rhymes such as, "I thought I saw a ginger cat, But it was a great big rat!" (Lottie) and "I really don't like washing up, Because I have to wash the cups!" (Tabitha).
In maths we have been working on solving word problems, both one and two steps. The children have worked hard to try and master this skill.
In RE we have been thinking about forgiveness and how people might feel if they are forgiven for something. The children also thought about what they could do to show that they forgive someone.
On Wednesday it was Sports Day and what a super day it was too. The children were brilliantly behaved, competed well and supported each other too. Have a look at our photos but also the Sports Day page for more pictures.
In Science we have been completing our work on plants and the children sorted through pictures of plants and decided how they could be compared looking at their similarities and differences.
Finally, last Friday the whole of Hawthorn class went to Forest School. It was the first time that we had all been up together as a class. We had a super afternoon and I thought it would be good to share some of the pictures of our happy children!