Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Hawthorn wb 18th October

What a busy week we’ve had in Hawthorn Class! It was time to write our own version of Little Red Riding Hood – with a twist! In our stories, Miss Miller gives Little Red a basket of fruit to take to Mrs Peacey, and that naughty Big Bad Wolf was to be found lurking in the playground. But Red had collected some useful items on her journey and Mr Wolf got more than he bargained for when he pretended to be Mrs Peacey in her office. Fortunately, he was never seen again and everyone lived happily ever after in the end!

We’ve been practising more great number skills this week, with Year 1s finding out how to use part-whole models and Year 2s working on number bonds to 20, then comparing number sentences. We’ve also started a new morning activity called ‘Fluent in 5’, which will really help the children to develop their number sense.

In Topic, the children looked at a Google Earth map of Ashton and located various landmarks. Next, they’ll create their own key for a map. The children have also been asked to make a record of things they see on their journey to school using tallies.

We finished our Creation topic in RE, and tried an experiential activity during which the children took time to really appreciate the wonderful thing that a grape is! They used their sense of sight, taste, smell and touch before slowly eating their grape, one small bite at a time. This helped them to appreciate food and be thankful for all the wonderful things in the world around them. We’ve really enjoyed sharing these lessons with the Year 1 pupils from Holly class, and will continue our joint lessons after half term.

In Music, we have been looking at music from around the world and learning to sing a new song as well as starting to improvise along with the song.

And finally, we wish you all the best for half term, and look forward to seeing everyone again in November.