Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Governor News December 2024

The recent parent governor ballot was well supported and the governors thank all three candidates for taking an interest in the role. As a result, Emma Robertson is the new Parent Governor, taking the place of Alan Chattell who’s term of office recently expired. Alan had been the vice chair. Due to his specific skillset, at the last governor meeting in November, Alan was unanimously elected back onto the board as a co-opted governor.

On the downside, our very experienced Clerk has resigned her post, for which we would like to thank Janet for all her hard work. The recruitment of a replacement Clerk is now under way and Janet’s shoes will be hard to fill. Fiona Smith, the Local Authority representative governor, has had to step down due to ill health. This is a very sad loss to the school as Fiona had been a long standing stalwart of the governing body over many long and happy years. Alice Garrett’s term as a co-opted governor has also come to an end this term.

At this time of year, I am aware that everyone is looking forward to enjoying the children’s seasonal celebrations and the long awaited Christmas break. The governors wish all the Staff and Pupils a very Happy Christmas.

Thank you Geoff Mills, Chair