Our focus this week has been 'Superworm'. We decided to make our own wormery and we dug in the compost bin trying to find some residents to put in it. We put some old fruit on the top and have been watching it to see what happens. We also finished work on our stone bugs and made a home for them in a tuff spot - observing how some of them are camouflaged and some of them aren't.
We have also achieved some challenges - i.e. working together to move a pile of tyres across the playground, making an art piece out of natural materials, building the tallest tower out of blocks. In maths, we have been comparing size of worms (plastic ones)! And in phonics we have been using our imagination to make up our own stories.
On Wednesday, we welcomed 4 new children into school for their taster morning, whilst the older Acorns enjoyed a morning in Holly Class. On Thursday, we had a picnic snack time with Miss Saunders, where we enjoyed a piece of cake. The Ashton school family (parents, staff and children) would like to thank her for all of her hard work over the past 6 months and to wish her luck in her new adventures.