Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Ruby Plants A Radish

We have enjoyed a selection of books this week about animals planting seeds.  We have focused on Ruby Plants A Radish, which introduces us to the life cycle of a radish from seed to grown vegetable.  We have planted our own seeds and are hoping that they grow.  We put one in a glass, to monitor, and it has already sprouted a shoot or a root.

In other 30 Day Wild activities, we have cut some lemon balm and enjoyed the smell on our hands, ran across grass barefoot, listened for the sound of nature and made a bracelet out of different leaves and flowers that we found in the school grounds.  We have also learnt a lovely song about a farmer planting a seed (as well as singing the abc song).

We have been dancing, practising our gross motor movements by making arches with our arms waving above our heads, and acting out a story of a planted seed growing into a fully grown radish ready for picking.  This included lots of stretching and balancing on tiptoes!

On Thursday, our Nursery 2 children visited Holly Class for their first transition meeting.  They all enjoyed themselves and happily went in together to meet the new children who will be joining their year group.  It makes us very proud how easily this move is made, and how ready for school they all are.

On Sunday, it will be Father's Day, and we hope that you all have a lovely day.  Your children have been very enthusiastic about making their card, and we hope that you enjoy it and your special surprise gift.