Acorn Class - 2nd July : planning our sleepover adventure
In Acorn Class we have been making plans to set off on a very special adventure with the Year 1 children.
In our maths we have been learning about sharing into equal groups as we worked out how many tents we would need to sleep all the children in reception and Year 1. Then we worked on the menu for our adventure. We carried out a survey to find out about what foods we would like to eat for our supper and breakfast and made bar charts to show which food items we would choose. We used these charts to write a shopping list of all the things we need to buy and then we each took a turn to order items from the shop for our food delivery which will arrive next week.
We have thought carefully about where we would like to go for our adventure and we decided that we would like to visit a magical kingdom with a castle . We then found out some facts about castles and who lived in them, when and why. The children drew plans and we have worked together to create a fine castle with crenelated towers, a moat (or “a ‘motorway’ all around it” as one of the children suggested) stained glass windows, flaming torches, arrow slits and flags .
What excitement there was when we discovered a tiny door in the wall of the castle and a sprinkling of fairy dust across the floor. We can’t open the door and have decided that, for this, we would need magic and perhaps a magical key and we thought that perhaps the fairy folk who use the door only come out at night. And so this weekend we have set up a camera to monitor any fairy activity around the castle over the weekend and we have written lots of letters to the fairy folk to assure them of our friendship. (To be continued ! ….)