Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 27.01.25

Willow class have been exploring the physical and human features which make up Worcestershire as part of our Wonderful Worcestershire topic. First, we learnt about the differences between physical and human features before identifying some examples within our local area. We then used Canva to design a geographical features poster for Worcestershire. As part of our final Science lesson on Forces and Motion, the children recapped our learning from last term. We also looked at our results from last week’s experiment to see if there was a pattern and whether our predictions were correct.

This week in Maths, we have been learning about length and units of measure. We used a ruler to measure objects to convert them to millimetres. We learned that there are 100 centimetres in a metre and 10 millimetres in a centimetre and how to convert these to help us with problems. The children in year 4 learned about metres and kilometres and comparing lengths. We also had a go at measuring our standing long jumps and using our data to help us with ordering different lengths. 

In writing lessons this week the children have been learning all about Pablo Picasso. The class went on an information hunt in the hall to find lots of interesting facts. The children found out that he was one of the most influential artists in the world and produced over 50,000 pieces of work that can sell for millions of pounds. On Friday we used this research to create a fact file using all the skills we have been learning over the last few weeks.
In PE lessons, the children have been learning the rules of tag rugby ready for the upcoming rugby tournament.