Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 20.01.25

Willow class have been exploring the life of Henri Matisse in more detail this week. The focus was to gather information which could then be organised into paragraphs with a clear subject. We had to unscramble lots of different facts and sort them into categories before writing our paragraphs using a traffic light system to help. Next week we will be creating a non fiction information page for a different artist. 

As part of our Science work on forces, the children carried out an experiment to investigate if heavier objects fall in less time. They worked as a team to investigate if adding extra weight to an object can change its speed and how far it travels. The children used a ramp and a toy car to investigate how far it travelled with a weight attached. They carried out three trials with and without a weight to investigate this. We had mixed results and eventually found out that an objects weight will not change its falling speed. Some of the children predicted correctly using their prior knowledge. We learned that if we dropped a bowling ball and a basket ball, they should fall at the same speed and land at the same time.

In our Art lesson, we experimented with water colour techniques which included adding salt, using clingfilm over the wet paint and painting over wet paint to see the effects. These are techniques which we will use later in our unit on landscape artists when we create our own. In Topic, we have continued to find out more about the location of Worcestershire and described some of the key location points.