Willow wb 06.01.25
Happy New Year! It has been lovely to welcome Willow class back into school and begin exploring our new topic which is all about Wonderful Worcestershire. We began by reflecting on what we already know makes Worcestershire great and describing it's location before identifying it on a map of the United Kingdom. We have also revisited our learning about the Vikings to see which key facts we have retained.
In our Maths lessons, our Year 4 children have been using base ten to support them in finding factor pairs and then investigating these in different ways. Meanwhile, our Year 3 children have been looking at related facts and recognising that if 3 x 5 = 15 then 3 x 50 = 150 because it is the same as 3 x 5 tens.
In Writing lessons we have been exploring 'The perils of breakfast' which is a nonsense poem by AF Harold. We really enjoyed listening to the poem read aloud and performing it ourselves. We focused on the use of onomatopoeias as well as similes and metaphors before writing our own poems.
Before we start our new Art topic on landscape paintings, we created some art work in the style of Henri Matisse as we will be using a text all about his life next week as part of our Writing lessons. We then used the Tate website to paint some art in his style using the ipads.
A reminder that next Thursday will be our first swimming lesson. Please ensure your child comes to school with their swimming kit on the day.