Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning February 3rd 2025

Year 5 are getting very excited to show off how hard they have been working on their production as next week is the week of the actual performances. We can't wait to welcome all the families and friends into school on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening to see our wonderful show. If you haven't reserved any tickets yet please contact Mrs Brown. 

We have been working on our map drawing skills in Topic this week, examining the differences between O/S maps and sketch maps. The children looked at a local O/S of the surrounding areas and identified different features looking at how they were represented on a map. We all the had a go at drawing a sketch map of their own which showed Ashton under Hill and its human and physical features. The Year 5's had to make their own key to show what the different images represented, the Year 4's had to ensure that all the features in a key prepared for them were on their maps.

In Computing we have been learning how to use the internet and search for items in a precise way, so that we find exactly what we need. By doing an internet scavenger hunt, the children were asked to find specific details on a website and needed to think carefully about how to refine their searches if they didn't provide what they were looking for.

In art we have finished experimenting with atmospheric perspective and have produced some lovely landscape scenes using this method to draw in our eyes and give our art work a sense of depth. The children worked carefully to mix the paint shades and tones and apply them to a landscape context.

Only one more week to go of this half term - it is flying by, please look out soon for the opportunity to book a Parent's Evening slot for your child on the 4th and 6th of March.