Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning 6th January 2025

Happy New Year ! Welcome back to 2025, new year, new start and lots to look forward to.

We have kick started 2025 with a new topic entitled Wonderful Worcestershire! During this topic we will be looking at where we live in the world, what makes it a special place and what physical and human features are within our county. We have started off by learning about the UK's regions and counties. A copy of the new topic fact sheet can be found on the Oak class page.

Our writing this half term is starting with a poetry unit. We have been writing poems whereby the children have to keep to a certain structure to help them frame their ideas. The subject of these poems has been our emotions and I have seen some excellent imagination and creativity.

This half term the Year 5 pupils in Oak will be putting on a play, this will be part of their English studies. The actual performances will be in the last week of this half term on Wednesday 12th  February in the afternoon and Thursday 13th February in the evening. Please put these dates into your diary so your child will be available for the evening performance and you can make these dates too. They are extremely excited about their roles and have already impressed me with the way they have been putting expression in to their characters lines. Next week we will start on the acting.

In French lessons the children took part in a lovely activity that Mrs Peacey did with them around the French celebration for the end of epiphany called La Fete des Rois. The youngest child in each Year group, sat under the table and decided who would get each slice of cake. In one lucky slice there was 'la feve', a small toy, and that person was the king or queen for the day.  The children really enjoyed this celebration from a different culture highlighting our world's diversity. Thanks to Mrs Emond for bringing the special 'gallette des Oris' back from France. Check the gallery for images of this activity.

Our new art focus is on landscape art and artists. Our first lesson involved us examining perspective and looking for the horizon line and vanishing point on different works of art. Then we had a go at drawing our own picture using a tulip field as our inspiration. See the gallery for some examples.