Oak Week Beginning 10th February
What a week to end this half term!! It has been packed out with extra curricular activities for both Year4 and Year 5.
The play has dominated the Year 5's week with the dress rehearsal on Monday afternoon, watched by the whole school, followed by the performances for parents on Wednesday and Thursday. I am so proud of every single one of them, they have all put so much effort into learning their lines, remembering where to stand and act all the way through the show. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with and I have greatly enjoyed seeing their confidence soar and witness such boosts to their self confidence. Anyone who came to see them would agree that they all did a fabulous job.
After the excitement of seeing their class mates on Monday all children in Key Stage 2 had an amazing opportunity on Tuesday. We had a visit from the STEM team who come into school each year with a new K-Nex challenge for the children to complete. This year, sponsored by Titan, the brief was to design and build a vehicle for moving earth. The challenged reflected real life scenarios, as the children saw footage of the A38 which is being updated and had to design something that would be suitable for his job. The brief outlined that the vehicle must be able to: move earth, have a moving part, include a cabin, fit on a lid of the box of K-Nex. It could have been a loader or a hauler. The structure, technology, creativity and teamwork were all part of the criteria to decide who won. The overall winners were Bethany and Thomas who were very excited as they were runners up last year! The KS2 STEM photo gallery is here.
On Wednesday, Year 4 got involved in more STEM activities with Mrs Peacey as they investigated air resistance by designing parachutes. They had great fun experimenting and working together with Willow class to create the best parachute. Mrs Peacey was very impressed with their designs, their cooperation skills and ability to solve problems with a practical focus.
This week has been Internet Safety Week with the focus being on spotting scams and phishing! We have looked at lots of different scenarios and discussion whether or not they were scams or examples of phishing and used these explanations in their decision making.
S - Sounds too good to be true
C - Contact you didn't expect
A - Asking for personal information
M - Money or a trade is asked for.
Reassuringly, they were easily able to spot the traps and they are now much better informed about how they could be tricked. For further advice for parents on these issues I have attached some guidance to the Oak Class web page.
Finally, we brought our first half term of 2025 to a close with a Forest School activity which benefitted the whole community - we went on a litter pick around the village, finishing off with a run around at the meadow. A great way to get rid of the excess energy Oak Class still had!!
Have a restful half term.