Holly Class week beginning 10th February
We have had a super final week of half term in Holly Class. The final stop of the Holly class journey around the world this week has been the continent of Africa. We have shared a variety of stories from different countries in Africa including a counting story set in Tanzania and a version of the Princess and the Pea. We then put our new knowledge to good use and wrote some free verse poems all about Africa. The children worked really hard to follow the structure of the poem that I showed them and the Year 1 children were also challenged to include some interesting adjectives. Towards the end of the week we learnt about performance poetry and as a class we worked together to remember and perform a group poem, 'Boing, Boing'. The children did this with great enthusiasm and style and we performed for the children in Acorn Class. See if they can remember it and perform it for you at home!
In phonics this week, Y1 have been working on the 'ou' and 'oy' digraphs, as well as learning to spell the words 'different', 'any' and 'many. The reception children have been working on the 'ch', 'sh' and 'th' digraphs and they are becoming increasingly confident to use these in words they are writing.
On Tuesday we linked our forest school session to our science work and went on a minibeast hunt looking for microhabitats in the school grounds. It was amazing what we found, even at this time of year. Underneath one of the tables on the yard the children counted 17 worms, including the biggest worm we think we have ever seen!!
We have finished off our Around the World topic work this week by recapping the continents and learning about the Equator, the children have also all had the chance to share their main learning from the half term and we have been really impressed with what they have remembered.
On Monday we were treated to a performance of the Year 5 show, everyone really enjoyed it and the Reception children in particular were really proud to see their buddies up on the stage.
We really hope everyone has a lovely, restful half term and we will look forward to seeing you after the break.