Willow wb 11.11.24
On Tuesday the whole school visited Pershore’s number 8 Arts Centre to watch the film Fung Fu Panda 4. The class were particularly excited to watch this with their friends and there was a buzz of excitement on the way and return from the theatre. The children behaved impeccably and represented the school very well. Well done!
This week in school was Kindness week, the children learned about respectful and kind behaviour and how we can show kindness at home and in school. We created a ‘recipe’ for kindness and created our own posters with the slogan “Kindness makes us stronger”. We talked about how we can compliment people on their actions and character.
In maths this week, we have started our work on multiplication and division. The children created various arrays using different resources and wrote the corresponding calculations. We will be learning the 3,4 8, 6 and 9 times table this half term. Please ensure you continue to practise these at home. In English we will continue our work on poetry.
In our Topic lesson we have been exploring Viking place names and their meanings. We learnt that the Vikings would often end these names with the word 'gate' from the old Norse word 'gata' meaning street. We also used online information from the Jorvick centre to find out about the definitions. The children then had a go at matching the names to their meanings to see if we could interpret them which was really enjoyable.