Willow wb 02.12.24
This week the children took part in an exciting PE enrichment activity which involved learning how to play Boccia. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and learnt the basic skills needed to play the game as well as using their team work skills to play together. Please take a look at the photos attached.
As part of our Science work, the children learned about different forces. We discussed the forces involved when riding a bike and how the surface we ride on can influence how much effort is needed to move. We discussed the difference between riding a bike on ice and grass and why it is easier to ride on smoother surfaces. We learned the meaning of friction and how this can effect movement. We found out that when we move objects on smoother surfaces, there is less friction. Next week we will learn about magnetic forces and how magnets work. In music lessons, we have been using Garage Band to learn how to play the glockenspiel. We listened to the song ‘Mama Mia’ and accompanied the piece of music using the App. This week we learned how to find middle C and to play G, keeping to a 4 beat time signature.
In Writing lessons, the children have been creating the dialogue to accompany a short Paddington clip. We listened carefully to what the main characters said and created our own written narrative remembering to include inverted commas accurately. The children then had a go at writing their own Paddington story using speech punctuation. In maths, the children have continued to learn about multiplication and division and we have recapped our work using written methods to solve addition and subtraction calculations.
We have also continued to make progress with our sewing projects and are looking forward to completing these. In our Topic lesson, we learnt about Coppergate and why it was so important in helping us learn about Viking York. The children completed a mini 'archaeological dig' and used their findings to make inferences about the artefacts discovered. We learnt that the peaty soil ensured the artefacts were well preserved and we were amazed that they discovered over 40,000 items.