Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow Class wb 03.09.24

We have loved welcoming Willow Class back into school this week and it is fantastic to see our Year 4 children setting an excellent example for the younger children as well as our Year 3 children striving to do their best in lessons. We kick started our new topic all about the Vikings by drawing our interpretations of what a Viking looks like and how they live. We are looking forward to learning about how they gained their vicious reputation and what we can gather from historical evidence. We will then be able to compare our initial ideas and make more informed ideas. Our first Art lesson was also linked with Viking patterns and we observed closely for patterns, shapes, colour and materials which were commonly used. 

In Maths lessons, the children have been learning to partition values and also positioning them on a number line. We used the base ten to help us find different ways to partition the numbers and have also been working on our recall of times tables. Today, we did a times tables number hunt with mixed tables. In our Writing lessons, we have been exploring the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' which is a quest story. We acted out one of the scenes where a monstrous wolf comes to put out the great fire in the town and had to write a description using expanded noun phrases to describe this creature to the townsfolk. 

The children have also had their first PSHE lesson which involved creating a 'human machine'. Each person had to have an action or sound as well as connect to another person in the machine whilst completing a challenge card. The children had lots of fun taking part in this activity which is designed to develop cooperation, trust and negotiation skills when working as part of a team. 

2425 Willow wb 03.09.24