Oak Week Beginning 25th November 2024
We have been very creative this week, from creative writing to making art work and props for our stop frame animation project and some secret Christmas jobs too....shhhhh!
We have reached the end of our topic focussed on how to write mystery and suspense stories by writing our own versions of the story My Father's Attic by Philippa Pearce. The children had learnt and practiced many techniques to write the best story they could and did not disappoint!. My heartrate was all over the place as I was marking them, there were plenty of examples which kept me on the edge of my seat.
In our Computing lessons, we have been learning how to use a stop frame animation app and have been creating our own stories based on either Kung Fu Panda or having a Viking theme. The children have storyboarded their story and started to make the stage set and props in readiness for the animation to start. They look amazing I can't wait for the action to start!
On Monday we had a visit from the organisation who we use for our PSHE programme; SCARF. The purpose of these sessions are to reinforce the learning that happens in school in PSHE lessons and beyond. Oak Class had a session focussed around friendships, and managing their wellbeing and worries. The friendship advice was to make children aware of how they can say no and not be pushed into making poor decisions as a result of peer pressure. It gave tips on how to be strong and stand up to others.
We had a great time at the open classroom session this Friday too, it was lovely to see so many of you come to see what we have been up. Thank you.