2425 Holly Class week beginning 30th September
As always, it has been a busy week in Holly class. The children have been learning about Florence Nightingale in drawing club and through the Year 1's history lessons. We have read the Little People Big Dreams Florence Nightingale book and we think she is a real life superhero because of all the amazing things she did to help people. The children have drawn pictures of Florence, their own interpretation of a school for nurses and they have designed their own lantern. The Year 1 children have written some brilliant sentences about what they can see in their pictures and have written a fact file with information about Florence Nightingale's life. The Reception children have been practising their letter formation for s, a and t as these are the sounds they have been working on in phonics.
The children have particularly enjoyed playing with the nurses and doctors role play in our class 'theatre' space this week. If you have any kind of injury this week, the Holly class medical team have been here to solve the problem!
In maths this week the Reception children have been exploring patterns. They have enjoyed reading the Pattern Fish book and playing with and making lots of AB patterns. The Year 1 children have been developing their understanding of how we use a part part whole model in maths to help us addition number sentences. They have done lots of practical work with giant part part whole models outside and then started using and drawing their own in their maths books.
The Year 1 children been working really hard in their computing and history lessons. They also started their science unit of work this week that is all about different types of materials.
On Thursday we said goodbye and thank you to lovely Mrs Morgan. We took her, along with the Acorn children, on a special secret excursion to the park and enjoyed a biscuit and hot chocolate treat whilst we were there. The sun shone and we all had a wonderful time celebrating with her.