2425 Holly Class Week beginning 4th November
We have had a super week back after half term in Holly Class, it has been lovely to see the children back and ready for learning.
The book that has led much of our learning this week is Room on the Broom. The children have enjoyed making colour mixing potions with pipettes, designing and making their own broomsticks inside and outside as well as making their own spell words. At drawing club the children drew the dragon and the bog as well as using their imaginations to make the broomstick go super fast and even adding some extra passengers! The Reception children have used their phonics skills to write some three letter code words and the Year 1 children have written some super independent sentences.
In maths this week the Reception children have been recognising, representing and subitising the numbers four and five. The Year 1 children have started their subtraction work and have been applying their knowledge of part part whole models and using these to write subtraction number sentences.
Tuesday was the 5th November, Bonfire Night. The children enjoyed learning a little bit about the history of Bonfire Night before making their own 'bonfires' (with imaginary flames!) up at the meadow at forest school. They then had a special marshmallow treat to finish! The children have also enjoyed completing some bonfire themed artwork this week, they have created collage flames against a night sky back drop and used fruit to print hedgehogs after learning that we must check bonfires for hedgehogs before lighting.