Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Hawthorn wb 21st October

Well, where did the first half term go?! We've been very busy throughout and the children have worked incredibly hard and learnt lots in the process. 

This week, in a mixture of English and Topic lessons, they've found out all about the life of Mary Seacole, who was in the Crimea at the same time as Florence Nightingale. On Wednesday, they put their knowledge to good use when they wrote her life story. We were very impressed with  how focused they were and the writing they produced. Today, they've created some Mary Seacole artwork in the style of Andy Warhol - photos of the picture gallery will follow after half term.

In maths, Year 1s started work on number bonds to 10 while Year 2s continued to learn a range of addition strategies. In RE, they found out that every single person is important to God and had a go at sequencing the story of 'The Lost Sheep', which illustrates this so well. In Computing, the children continued to develop basic keyboard skills using the text function on, while in PE, they enjoyed a series of fun games to develop their teamworking skills.

And finally, we'd like to thank you for all your support and hope you have a very enjoyable half term holiday.