Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

24 25 Hawthorn Wb 02 September

Wow!   What a wonderful week we've had with our new class! The children came back to school rested and refreshed, full of enthusiasm and ready to learn. We're enjoying getting to know our new class members and our 'old-timers' have been very kindly helping them to settle in. 
Thanks to all of you who were able to attend our 'Meet the Teacher' session on Wednesday. If you weren't able to, you'll find our PowerPoint presentation on the website in the 'Teaching and Learning' Hawthorn class section, along with lots of other information or click here If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via our class email [email protected] or pop in to see us at the end of the school day.
After some 'welcome to your new class' activities on Tuesday morning, we've already started work across the curriculum. In English, we've introduced our new book, Meerkat Mail, which they all love. We'll be doing lots of writing inspired by the text, initially focusing on accurate sentence writing and letter formation.
In maths, Year 1s have started work on numbers to 10, which they'll be exploring in some detail to provide a strong foundation before they move on to larger numbers. Years 2s did a little revision of numbers to 20, then turned their attention to counting in 10s to make 100.
We've started this term's topic, entitled 'Real Life Superheroes', in which the children will be learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, and the impact they had on nursing and patient care. We were so impressed with their folding and cutting skills when they had a go at making Florence Nightingale style paper lanterns.
In Science, we have begun our topic on Everyday Materials and the children had a go at finding different materials and describing their different properties.
Finally, we have a lovely bunch of musicians in class and we all thoroughly enjoyed learning about pulse and rhythm and then learning a new song, Music is in my soul." Great fun!

2425 Hawthorn Wb 16 Sept