Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 29.04.24

In Science this week, the children worked with a group to learn about life cycles. The class were given a life cycle to research and present their findings back to the group. They had to create a diagram and read the various steps of the life cycle with their group. Our class caterpillars have all created their chrysalis and are being looked after by Mrs Clements at home in the warm! She will bring them back in when they finally start emerging from their cocoon in a few weeks time. The children will use what they have learned about life cycles to create a stop motion video using modelling clay over the next few weeks.

As part of our writing lessons, the children have explored  the end of the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’. We have planned what happens at the end of the story when the two main characters return to their beloved home. We discussed how the characters might feel and why when they returned years later. In maths lessons, the children have finished their work on money. This week, we used our knowledge of adding and subtracting money to find change and solve problems involving money. At the end of the week the children recapped what they already know about time. The class should be able to tell the time to the nearest minute. Please can you practise this essential life skill with your child at home as this will really help to embed their learning!

In Topic lessons, we have been learning all about Boudica's revolt and the reasons for her rebellion. As part of the lesson, the children made a living graph where they had to sequence events and make decisions as to whether each step was a good event for Boudicca or not. We reflected on why things went wrong for her and why she was so determined to go ahead with her revolt. 

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we have postponed our Forest School visit. We are hoping to visit the site next week with some better weather!