Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 24.06.24

Willow Class have had another busy week and very much enjoyed their transition activities on Wednesday. 

Following on from our work in maths on 2D shapes, the children used Scratch to create different shapes. They used their knowledge of creating a square to create codes for various regular polygons. The children experimented with different coding blocks to draw some 2D shapes. This is a very tricky coding platform to use and the children worked well together to create the codes and draw their shapes.

As part of our writing lessons, the children wrote their own story using the animation “Snack Attack”. The children worked hard to use paragraphs to show the different parts of the story and edited Mrs Clement’s version to help improve their own. In our Reading lesson, we have been retrieving vocabulary and facts about the Roman army. The children had a piece of text from a website which they had to select information from. 

In History, we have been exploring the ancient busts of Roman soldiers. We discussed what materials they were made from, what their facial expressions told us and what information we could deduce from these 3d sculptures. We then had a go at making our own versions using plasticine. Take a look at our blog photos to see some examples. We have also painted our Roman olive oil pots this week to enhance the patterns created in the clay. The children worked well to do so with accuracy. 

In Computing we have been using Canva to create information posters. We had a lovely afternoon where we were joined by the Year 4 children who helped us with their expertise.