Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 20.05.24

On Monday the children worked with a partner or a group to produce their own stop motion video showing the various stages of the butterfly life cycle. The class used a story board to plan their ideas and created their models using modelling plasticine. The children adapted their models to show a growing, hungry caterpillar getting ready to create a chrysalis and eventually a beautiful butterfly. We were really impressed with the children’s teamwork and listening skills during this activity.

In maths lessons, the children have been learning how to convert hours, minutes and seconds. We have used this skill to work out start and end times to calculate the duration of different activities. Please continue to practise telling the time at home at every opportunity! Our focus in writing lessons this week has been poetry. We explored and appraised a poem called ‘The Sea’ By James Reeves and discussed how he used a metaphor to describe what the sea is like and how it changes depending on the season. The children created a bank of adjectives to describe a stormy and calm sea and used these to write their own poem. We will continue to explore poetry and create our own metaphor poems after half term.

In Topic lessons we have been exploring what the Romans did for us, with a particular look at the Roman roads. We learnt why they needed to build roads to allow them to move soldiers and equipment around the empire as well as how they were built and some of the tools which they would use. Because they were so well built, some of these roads still exist today and we identified some of these across the country. 

On Friday we had our second session on programming the micro bits using make code. The children made a flashing heart, programmed the buttons to do different actions and even had a go at creating a working dice. We have been impressed with how they have made links to their work on Scratch and really enjoyed learning how to use these. 

We hope you have a lovely half term week and look forward to seeing Willow Class very soon!