Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 06.05.24

This week, the butterflies finally emerged from their chrysalis. This stage took about 1-2 weeks. The children carefully observed the butterflies and learned that this type of butterfly is called a painted lady. These butterflies need to live in the habitat for 2-4 days and are fed fruit and sugar water. On Tuesday lunchtime we released the butterflies on the field for them to fly off and start the lifecycle all over again.

In our writing lessons, we wrote a detailed report on the lifecycle focussing on the layout and presentation of our work. We will look closely at the layout of non fiction texts this week and begin to write our own where we will think about the grammar and features we will use. We looked closely at the use of subordinating conjunctions this week and applied a range of these to recreate an information text about a rattlesnake. 

In Maths, we are learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute. We started off by playing a board game to recall time to the nearest five minutes and the children played this well with their partners. We have been working on accuracy when recording the time shown, especially when the time is 'to' the next hour. Next week we will focus on telling the time using a  digital clock. We have also explored the use of Roman numerals and learning how the numbers to 12 are represented in this way. 

We finally got to hold our visit to Forest School this afternoon and had a lovely sunny time. The children enjoyed solving some clues linked to life cycles from our work in Science before exploring the Forest School site and spending time together. Some children were creating dens and others were making creations in the mud area. We all enjoyed our visit.