Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week beginning 17th June 2024

There have been lots of coming's and going's in Oak Class this week; Year 5 have been cycle training, so we welcomed the cycling instructors and Miss Fox said goodbye for now (as she will being coming to help out over the next few weeks). Year 4 have worked incredibly hard and kept up with their learning.

The Year 5's had a great time on their bikes and learnt how to be safer when cycling on main roads. They were seen all over the village and practised in many different junctions and learnt how to be more skilled with their manoeuvres. Each time they returned back to school, they had huge smiles on their faces and rosy cheeks from all the exercise; the weather was also very kind to them. The all received a certificate to celebrate their successes and were really proud of themselves.

In Maths we have had a focus this week on angles, and learnt all the vocabulary and matching number facts. The children in Year 4 went outside to spot right angles in and around the school grounds. They did a great job of spotting them and realised how many objects are made from square or rectilinear shapes. Back in the classroom, we learnt how to estimate, draw and measure angles and used our understanding to tackle a variety of problem solving activities.

In PSHE this week we have been learning about the changes that occur when we grow up in relation to our emotions. To understand this, we started by looking again at how our brains work and which parts of our brain are in charge of our emotions. We read a book called My Fantastic Elastic Brain ( a highly recommended read ) and then considered how the neuron pathway are created which help our brain to develop. We learnt all about neuroplasticity and how vital it is for our growing brains. The children also found out some fascinating facts about the brain too such as : Our brain keeps growing until we are 18, the brain can produce enough electricity to light up a light bulb and that there are as many neurons in the brain as stars in the Milky Way, about 100 billion.

We continued our learning about the Roman Empire and found out the factors that lead to their demise and dominance. There were many reasons why, which the children used their retrieval skills to discover, and they made links between al the different factors to practice their explaining skills too. It was a real mix of history and VIPERS skills. We also made some pinch pots in the style of a Roman bowl, that could be used for olive oil. The children revisited the skills they used when making their flowers and working really hard to mould, shape and decorate their bowls. Next week we will decorate them with paint to enhance the designs they added.

We had a mini party to say goodbye and thank you to Miss Fox who will be sorely missed by the class, we wish her well for the next phase of her teacher training.

The vast majority of the class attended the Big Sing festival in Worcester on Friday. It was brilliant that so many of them took part and got involved in an exciting musical event.

Thank you for


the donations for the PFA event they will be very grateful for all your contributions.