Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Week Beginning 8th July 2024

This week has has some highlights for both Year 4 and Year 5; the Year 4's joined their buddies at the Teddy Bear's Picnic and the Year 5's had their treat day out. We also all went to our final forest school.

The Year 5's had a great trip out on Tuesday for their leavers trip. We went to a crazy golf centre in Cheltenham and showed off their golf skills, had some lunch and 36 holes later, we nipped to the nearby ice cream parlour for a sweet treat. It was lots of fun and they thoroughly enjoyed their day out.

Year 5 also dug up the time capsule that they buried when they were in Year 1. There was great excitement and anticipation to see what was inside and they were desperately hoping that water hadn't got inside the tin. To great screams of joy, the booklets were all intact and they loved reading all about their Year 1 selves. It was a brilliant experience for them to look at the photos and read all about themselves. These booklets will form part of their Leavers Assembly next week.

Whilst the Year 5's were golfing, the Year 4's were engaging with the democratic process with Mrs Peacey. They each formed a political party and produced a manifesto for three different areas: schools, the environment and facilities in the local area. They all had a husting event and the children then voted for whichever political party was the most convincing. In the afternoon, they attended the new Reception children's Teddy Bear's picnic with their buddies. They has lots of fun playing in the school grounds and then went into the hall to have their picnic.

Friday afternoon was our last forest school trip of the year and the last one ever for Year 5. The sun shone and we had a lovely time being free in nature.