Oak Week Beginning 8th April 2024
Our first week of the Summer Term has got off to an explosive start with us simulating a volcanic eruption in the models we made at the end of last term. The children got very excited at the chemical reaction when bicarbonate of soda and vinegar were mixed (with a bit of food colouring too) creating bubbles of carbon dioxide. Each child erupted their volcano, then we put them together to create our very own Ring of Fire! They also have an opportunity to ask ask a real life vulcanologist all their questions about volcanoes. We have emailed them to Mrs Poole's cousin and hope he has all the answers!! In our Topic lesson we looked at the effects of the recent earthquake in Taiwan and created our own earthquake survival guide based on the advice to; Drop! Cover! Hold on!
In Maths we have started a new area of focus learning about decimals. In English we are looking at nonsense poetry and we are doing an in depth study of the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Caroll. We are going to aim to learn it from memory and film a dramatic performance of the poem with actions and plenty of brilliant voices. We will then be inspired by this to write our own nonsense poem using all the poetic devices we have learnt about and some of our own portmanteau words.
Using the BBC Micro:bits we will be taking part in the Big Playground Survey, a data collecting project whereby the children need to program the Micro:bit with different codes to record information about our playground environment, which we will send off to be analysed by the Office of National Statistics. It will be fascinating to see the results to find out what all the different playgrounds around the British Isles are like.