Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning 24th June 2024

Our Week has been dominated by rehearsals this week, but Year 4 have been busy with their learning too. In Maths they have been looking at how to classify different shapes, particularly quadrilaterals, triangles and polygons. They have been identifying right angles, parallel lines and lines of equal length in order for them to decide what a shape is. They have started to look at symmetry in shapes too and have been using their spatial skills to identify mirror lines and draw missing parts of shapes. In English they have been continuing to merge their computing and writing skills by producing a balanced argument leaflet. They have also been producing a poster all about themselves to give to their buddies, which they are very excited about, they do not know who they are yet, that's next weeks excitement!

The Year 5's have been working very hard and are now script-less and really showing off their acting talents. We did the big reveal this week as we are now on the stage, the screams of excitement were heard in the corridors as we showed them what the stage looks like now it's set up for action. They are putting the final touches to their performances and are very much looking forward to performing to you all next week. There is still space for both performances, Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, if you are interested in coming to support our Year 5's please contact the school office to reserve a seat.

On Friday morning we painted the clay pinch pots that we made last week. We gave the children a limited choice of colours to keep them authentic and they decorated them really carefully. Look in the gallery for the pictures.

All the children experienced their Transition day on Wednesday, the most exciting move was for the Year 5's who moved up to Bredon Hill Academy and met their new classes and teachers. They came back buzzing with excitement about their day out! The Year 4's became the oldest children in school and welcomed some new members to Oak class for a couple of hours. We had a lovely time creating some work for a class display for September.